MEEMCO is committed to prevention of injuries and health to its stake holders by providing a healthy and safe working environment and also by preventing pollutions in its workplaces.
MEEMCO believes that all accidents are preventable and the responsibility for HSE rests with every individual in the line management.
MEEMCO provides continual training to all its empoloyees to ensure they understand remain motivated and abreast with the requirements and developments in HSE matters and to developing personal responsibility for HSE.
Wherever possible and practical, MEEMCO adops a none –polluting techniques and practices to reduce emissions detrimental to the environment and minimize the wastages.
MEEMCO is committed to comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements of the Sultanate of Oman and other requirements during our operation.
HSE Policy and its requirements will be communicated to all Empoloyees and Intrested parties in order to understand Health, Safety & Environmental objectives and their role in achieving them. The HSE Policy will be made available to the public.